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Zeiss should provide PCM free of charge to all Calypso users.


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All options should be for free! 🤣

No, really. Freeform and Curve would absolutely make sense. And seeing how the GOM software is fully controllable with Python scripts for no extra cost, it's a shame that the minimalistic PCM is still a costly option. You just need something like that nowadays. The days when simple formulas were enough for most people are long gone. Even M$ understood that many years ago (Excel).

BUT...I won't tell how I high I rank the probability that it might actually happen 🙄
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It's been awhile since I actually programmed Calypso, but isn't curve the only feature compatible to even use the profile of a line characteristic?
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100% YES.

I understand it took developers time to make, and support the developers, etc...

It gives you options measuring normal geometries that are not anywhere else that are essential at times for porgamming.
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Free Form and Curve should be part of Calypso especially now.

I won't let my boss even quote a new CMM without free form and curve anymore, because the new standard has a lot of profile to no, one, or 2 datum features which in theory Calypso cannot do without free form and curve.

Have had too many upset customers that they have to spend more money to get the software to report to there print callout after just buying the CMM. Now at least I can say it was on the quote and you took it off so we are at least a little protected.

I go over the reason for free form and curve at ever demo now.

As for PCM it is sorta free in Calypso you just cannot use the pre and post but can use it for formulas and stuff.

I do believe the help menu has a lot of the PCM code in it.
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How to make a cnc program for stylus calibration pcm based?

I have calypso software version 4.04

Can you share one sample program for understanding the program.
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Every application and type of CMM is different but, at the very least, I couldn’t imagine living without curve.
Calypso without curve is programmer suppression. 😭

When I started where I am now, they had already purchased the 1st CMM and there was no curve or free-form. I had prove it to them it was needed because when they bought it they were obviously told they wouldn’t need it or were not told of it. I suspect sales has some worries when submitting quotes for comparison as higher cost might lose the deal (?).

A lot of it should be making sure whoever sales you the system knows exactly what you’re going to be using it for and goes over everything with the customer even if they don’t believe they’ll need it.

I’m currently getting by without PCM but, wish I had it occasionally.
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I agree, Owen.

I cannot almost get by with no PCM, unless someone is wanting a Part Family program.

PCM is, for the most part, a luxury. Curve is almost a necessity.
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I don't think it is luxury, I have curve and freeform but my jobs are automotive ,curve and freeform rarely used .if I have pcm, I could use for conditions . I think it is a flexible tool more useful ( not must) then curve.
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Curve is extremely useful in the automotive world! I worked exclusively in that industry for more than 10 years, and used it a lot. From performing line profile traces of teeth (whether it was a gear, or a sprocket) to line profile traces of ball races for transfer case actuators.

Curve also has a lot of usefulness when it comes to measuring intersections (kink point) on 2d traces that Calypso normally cannot handle very well.

And my favorite use of it is just showing CAD model deviations because of how nice the Plot capabilities are for Curve.
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I have supported the automotive industry (programming on Zeiss CMM's) for at least 10yrs.
In my experience, Curve has been indispensable.
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I mostly use curve for reverse engineering but, all of the reasons Richard mentioned too.
Some people have a difficult time understanding numerical 3D dimensions so, the illustrations curve can make is often imperative. Creating best-fit alignments from curve is also a blessing used often.
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