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Base Alignment for Summetrical Parts


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I am new to ZEISS Calypso, I am having troubles with measuring the slots in this part (Image attached). Some times the 0.5 mm probe misses the Slot wall. I am currently using the Face and the ID of the part for base alignment (Planar Rotation - ID, X Origin - ID, Y origin - ID and Z Origin - Top Face of the Part).

I don't understand what wrong with the program, do I need to make changes to my base alignment ?

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Yes change your base alignment and use a line or symmetry of slot to stop the rotational freedom. Then manually align the part.
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The object of the Planar Rotation feature is to stop rotation about the Z axis, which is centered on the ID. So, the ID cannot control rotation about Z. As Zach mentioned, using a symmetry construction from 2 lines on the slot would work. Focus on a type of feature capable of controlling rotation about the Z axis.
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Are you looping the Base Alignment? i.e.

Using constructions in any Alignment has caused me troubles when I least need them. They can run fine, then piece 27 just loses it's mind and can't calculate the alignment.
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