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Characteristics Tab view


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I work with some measurement plans that are made by other companies.

I just noticed that some programs will automatically scroll to the bottom of the Characteristics tab whenever returning from any other tab, while other programs will remain at the top after switching tabs. I have seen other programs that do this with the Features tab, but not the Characteristics tab. I was just wondering what controls this.

In case there's any confusion, I will be looking at the top of the Characteristics list, switch over to the Features list, but when I return to the Characteristics list, it is at the bottom of the list instead of the top. It isn't hindering being able to check parts, but it is annoying when formatting many different programs throughout the day.

Any insight into how this is controlled would be GREATLY appreciated!
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I have never noticed this happen but if you go to View and uncheck "large Icons", you will see a lot more in your list and reduce the scrolling required to navigate.
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Thank you for the suggestion, but I am already viewing smaller icons. The programs I am referring to have enough characteristics that they still require a lot of scrolling even without large icons.
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When I am working back and forth between Characteristics and Features, I like to right click and use 'Check use of selected features' and 'References for selected features' which helps to navigate between them without having to scroll through the lists all the time. Just a suggestion.
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I also use this technique to quickly navigate to features/characteristics. I was just thinking there might be a sub-menu option I was overlooking that controls the view of the tabs before or after a run.
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