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Reciprocal dependency


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The problem is that you have an alignment, that is "all bad" 😃 Just kidding.

You have Point 1 in ALL B-A-D alignment, but the same point is making that alignment.
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What version of Calypso are using?

If it is 2020 did you add a Caliper Distance?

That is a known bug that was fixed in service pack 2.
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According to some I work with, I have BAD alignments quite often. However, that is only when I reject a part.
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A reciprocal dependency occurs when two feature's use each other's point data to define their strategy or nominal definition. For example, if you use a circle's XY values to guide a "circle path on plane", but use THAT plane's Z value to guide the depth of the circle, it creates PCM gridlock; each feature now needs the first in order to proceed.
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