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New Version of Calypso-caliper Dist. changing base alignment?


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When adding caliper distance to the program and one of the features is in my base alignment. When I assign my caliper distance to my secondary alignment it is also changing my base alignment feature in my base alignment to my secondary alignment. Then I am getting error "reciprocal dependency" We installed the patch and are still having this issue. Old programs are running good as long as I don't make any changes. So far this has only happened with caliper distance. Anyone else having this issue?
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OK, so I can easily replicate the reciprocal dependency error, but it doesn't replace in features inside of my Base Alignment.

I don't recommend using 2020 until at least the first SP is available.

You might try installing 2019, and using that instead as it is pretty stable.

Please call into the hotline, and have this bug recorded, so they can get it fixed.

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  • 1 month later...
Has anyone else been experiencing this? The error report was submitted to Zeiss about a month ago and have not yet heard back as to whether the development team was able to fix or even re-create the issue.

UPDATE: Just received response that this is BUG 174599 and they are currently working on it.

Out of curiosity, how may are using the new CALYPSO 2020?
Any issues?
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I'm unable to replicate this on the version that I am currently on "ZEISS CALYPSO 2020 Patch 7.0.0211".

I should have saved my original program, but it's possible that it may have been corrected.
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  • 1 month later...
Yes,I get the same error,but it shows up not only with caliper distance but sometimes with positional tolerances and creating new alignments. It is getting pretty annoying. Anyone know if this has been fixed yet??
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Caliper distance in 2020 doesn't like you to change feature or alignments when features already are in it (already select OK). If you just create another it seems to be fine. I have ran into this a couple times during training and every time it was because I had the caliper distance filled out and tried to change the alignment and got the error.
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It shouldn't behave this way, it's broken, there's no reason you shouldn't be able to change alignments within caliper distance otherwise why even have the option available? It usually happens when we are trying to check the caliper distance between two features that have a different native alignment such as one on the base alignment and one on alignment 1.

The absolute worst part is when we get the error (reciprocal dependency) there is no way to repair it as the software freezes, we have to "force close" CALYPSO with ctr, alt, del.

At this point CALYPSO 2020 is unusable for us, it breaks our programs with no way or option to fix them. Even if this can be attributed to less than ideal programming methods on our part the fact remains that these programs have worked fine for us for years, using many different versions of CALYPSO without any issues, so why the problem now?

To rub salt in the wound, any program we've ever attempted to run in CALYPSO 2020 remains broken after we roll back to 2019, this time with a PiWeb error!!! I can post a screenshot if anyone is interested. The only way to fix it (that I'm aware of) is to do a "Save As" and re-name the measurement plan. There's some sort of relationship between the 2020 version of the measurement plan and it's specific name, and PiWeb that is changed in 2020 and will no longer work when rolled back to 2019.

So, currently we are stuck using 2019 until they come up with a fix. Rumor has it there is supposed to be a service pack released this week, but will it fix the issue???
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