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Automatic Healing>Build Geometry not staying


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I'm fairly certain, when starting a new program, one of the first things most of us do after importing a model, is go to Automatic Healing>Build Geometry. Most of the models I work with need it. Something that's been bothering me lately is that I have to continually heal the model. It seems to be undone most often when I save, or leave Calypso sitting for a while.

Is anyone else seeing this?
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Unless you are experiencing specific issues with the model, it is suggested to not heal the model.

It also helps to work with models in a neutral format like STEP 214.

The majority of issues that I've experienced with models has been with IGES.

STEP 214 or native is the way to go.
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Thanks Richard. In this specific case, my part has some especially small features, in the 0.010-0.012 inches range, and the CAD model displays some surfaces as a series of angles, when in fact, they're small radii. Build Geometry fixes this, but not permanently.

Nearly all our models, including this one, are Step 214.
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