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Regarding Excel Report


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I have been using Characteristic.xlt for the excel report.
I only want to have data that I want but some data is already loaded and I can't even edit this file.
(Every time an excel file is generated, the data in the pic is included..)
The custom print out window that pops up right after a run only shows the points that I want to have btw.
Does anyone know how to fix it?


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If you are masking characteristics to get them off of the custom report, that will not work with the excel report. You need to go into Resources - Characteristics Settings Editor- Click on the drop down arrow, navigate to Report - Mark, click selected features Highlight what you want to hide and Set To - "On". Then, you need to go into Multiple Report and put a check mark next to "Hide". You can also mark characteristics from the Multiple report window but I don't think that was there in older versions unless I just didn't notice it back then.
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Okay, thank you I'll try that!
But now I've got an another issue..
I was trying to do something with the files named Characteristic.xlt and when I open it it says
"Unable to locate ReportINI sheet. Please makesure, ReportINI.xls is in the -xstart- subdirectory of the -office- program."
and I get error with the excel report right after a run..
It's getting worse. I should stop trying to solve this issue by myself.
Anyone knows how to fix this?

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  • 6 months later...
I feel like I've uploaded these files quite to much, but here we go.

Try this report file and put ReportINI.xls in the same folder. You have to change the name of the file "CAQ_Report.xlsb.txt" to "CAQ_Report.xlsb". This file opens the ini file on startup, closes it after it's done and closes itself afterwards. You just have to enable macros for it to work.

You're welcome.

EDIT (link to the files):

https://forums.zeiss.com/messtechnik/co ... =13&t=4412
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