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default excel file


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For some reason when I use the characteristics excel file some other data tags on to the end of characteristics. I dont know where it is coming from. It only happens on one machine. I just go in and delete it when I review the data.

Any ideas? I'm not quite sure what program it is pulling from, but no matter what it gets thrown in like its supposed to be there.
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I do not know this answer but actually wanted to see if you can answer this question which is related to the excel form.

The Default excel does not show any ADDITIONAL INFORMATION or Comments like the PDF does. Is there a way for this to be shown?
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Just guessing but, maybe additional report or axis end points is turned on? Go to resources, characteristics settings editor, report and choose them two options to see if they're on and reporting extra stuff you don't see on other CMM's that might not have them turned on.

Roberto, I believe Silvio is talking about the default excel report, not the default report.
Silvio, you can add a lot of stuff to the excel report by changing the user fields but, I don't believe it will show the characteristics comments, just what it's named. If you need info on how to change the user fields let me know.
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I found this happening when we moved the storage folder to the server.
Any program that was not redirected to the server but stored locally was adding several lines of garbage data onto the excel spread sheet. Once we pointed it to the new location it cured it.
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  • 3 weeks later...
Paul, not sure if this is your exact problem, but I had
a similar issue with the characteristic spreadsheet not
populating. The fix was installing the latest service pack.
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  • 4 months later...
This kind of problem occured at one location of our company. Open the template and check if there is some data already in it. One or another may save the template file just after putting data in. Delete this and you should be fine.
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