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Mirroring correct characteristics


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Running an older version of Calypso.
Calypso 5.2 Intermediate Release, ServicePack 6
Copyright © 1997, 2021 Carl Zeiss
Version 5.2.18 (13.03.2012)

When I mirror the program it is not correcting the characteristic's XYZ coordinates in the vehicle alignment when going from LH to RH.
Unfortunately the three tooling balls are located on corners. So to mirror across XZ of the Base Alignment I am offsetting to center it on the fixture between two of the balls.

I tried moving the features to the Base Alignment and variations. I also tried a new Base Alignment thinking it would refresh. No luck.

Is there an easy way to update the Characteristics or am I missing something?
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So is everybody else manually updating the Characteristics? Admittedly it's only flipping positive to negative and vise versa, but with over 200 Characteristics... I'm human after all.
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After mirroring, try recreating your base and start alignments. You may have to rotate your "new" alignment 180° about Z, using the "Special" tab. This should update all features and characteristics. Also, be mindful of your probe angles (if using an RDS) and probe stylus assignments (if using a star probe.) Good luck, and maybe this helps!
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Ok, the only way in this version of Calypso for updating characteristics is by triggering a popup while doing something with the base alignment. It asks if I want to update the characteristics.

The problem is I got it to do it once. Now I can't get it to repeat 🤣

Does anyone know how this pop up is triggered?
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  • 2 weeks later...
I found my answer.
Resources-Characteristics Settings Editor-Nominal Mode
The option is to pull from feature nominals automatically or to input.
Set to automatic and now everything is updated.

So each characteristic nominal can be set to update automatically or be fixed to what is input.

The more I learn, the more I know I have more to learn, lol
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