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Macro or master inspection plan or another solution


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Hello all,
I have a question about programming strategy.
Our company manufactures tools for CNC machining centers.
We classify these tools into a machine side, for holding the tool in the spindle of the CNC machining center, and a tool side.
The types on the machine side are manageable, let's say from type A to type F. The types of tool side are very diverse.
Now my idea.
1. Create inspection plans for the machine side type A to type F.
2. Create inspection plans for the very diverse tool side with PCM, let's say inspection plans TS01 to TS100.
3. I would like to combine the inspection plans type A to type F. with inspection plans TS01 to TS100 as required.
What is in principle the best solution with CALYPSO ?


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Does the Base Alignment remain the same though-out each plan, like off a fixture?
Couldn't you just use mini-plans for each machine/tool side? Then in conjunction with
each mini-plan, incorporate PCM to swap out the different models.
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From what I understand about them, I think macros are the way to go. Basically, you would make a program for each of A-F, then make a macro for each of TS01-TS100.

If you could do a base alignment off of a set of common features, such as a fixture, you could make macros for A-F as well. This would be ideal, since then you can update all programs whenever you update a macro. That means a machine side change results in a change to 1 program instead of 100, and a tool side change is 1 program instead of 6.

Then all you need to do to make programs for each tool model is load the taper program, import the macro for the tool side, and save.

If you have PCM, you could probably procedurally generate all the programs you need once you have the macros made.
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Hello Clarke,
the Base Alignment is "The types on the machine side are manageable, let's say from type A to type F."
I will test a version with mini-plans. A good idea. Thank you.
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Hello David,

also a good idea. The next days I will test a solution with macros.
When realizing the measurement tasks, it is important to consider the effort involved in design changes.
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If you have PCM, you can do miniplans and have a pop up box at the start of your program "What part are you running" and the operator will select the a choice from a menu and the program will run that part.
Ill find the code/command if you want, i cant remember it off the top of my head.
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Something that's not yet clear to me:
Can each variant of A to F appear in every possible combinaton with TS01-TS100? Then we would talk about 600 variants. In this case I'd clearly tend to a mini plan solution with a PCM based selection. Because when using macros you'd have to create 600 different inspection plans to cover all the variants (6 base plans and 100 copies of each, utilizing the different macros).
With mini plans you'd have all variants in one place and with PCM you could select the two variants you need at run time. Both are a lot of work to create, but the mini plan solution should be much easier to manage.
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So in this case i created 2 mini plan options called "First Op" and "Finished Op", the only difference is on the Finished Op there is an overall width that isnt available on the first Op.

So i create the miniplans and put into the program Presettings the following code
// MiniPlan Option List
M1=inquireList("Please Pick Apropriate Run","First Op","Finished Op")

// Run ID's
if M1=="First Op"
setRunID("First Op")

if M1=="Finished Op"
setRunID("Finished Op")

Now there is a dirty secret that needs to be followed for this to work, otherwise the program will always run the entire program regardless what you select. You need to hit Run and then click the green button next to the dropdown menu, it doesn't matter what is selected in the dropdown, but you need to move the green button away from the "all characteristics" position. (see picture)

That should do it.


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Hello Norbert,
in the worst case you are right.
Theoretically each variant of A to F can appear in every possible combination with TS01-TS100.When and which variant is required, our work preparation department or the customer decides what kind of tool he is ordering.
We are currently creating a test plan for each new tool by copying parts of an old test plan, editing and reprogramming. No system and very complex. I want to try to bring a system into it.
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  • 4 weeks later...
Have you thought of Autorun?

A "Desk" could link to another desk. With pictures.
Say, A, B, C, etc
To a desk with different types of TS
To subtypes/sizes of TS
To a desk with the miniplans/plans/macros already set.

Nice thing is there is visual verification on what is being checked.
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