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Calypso is trying to outsmart me!


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I'm currently trying to measure a plastic split housing part that looks similar to this:
http://www.dts-prototyping.de/grafiken/ ... 02_big.jpg

Each half has its own fixture, both are mounted on seperate (but aligned) magnetic chucks.
Measurement however is done in one single program (because I need to output one single QDAS file).
I measure the base alignment on the left half and use an additional coordinate system for the alignment of the right half. So far so good.
Brecause I already anticipated that some day this setup might develop an offset between the right half and its alignment features (not uncommon with plastic parts), I put in yet another coordinate system, containing no features but only an X/Y/Z offset. This way I would be able to compensate for any shifting - or so I thought...

Now I'm trying to use that option, but Calypso is trying to be smarter than me. 😮 Because after I input an offset, Calypso throws a warning message at me that the coordinate system will change, and a list of features that would shift position. If I confirm this message, Calypso shifts all the strategy points of my alignment features by the offset I entered, rendering all my efforts futile.

How can I avoid that?
Note: The coordinate system where I enter the offset is NOT used for any features, so I can't resolve the issue just by setting the "keep position" checkmark.
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The only thing i can think of is maybe your alignments are connected via the dropdown menu on the top, which would be the alignment base of your alignment......does that make sense?
Anyhow, just make sure both alignments are tied only to the base alignment and see if the problem persists.


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Create a theoretical point that has the X/Y/Z offset values input into each actual field. Use this point as the origin within the alignment instead of the directly entering the offset.
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The purpose was to have a differently named alignment with a meaningful name solely for that offset. Including it in the other alignment might be confusing for other people editing the program.

I haven't tried it yet, but do you think Calypso would behave differently if the offset was included in the second one?
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