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Point Offset or Move point


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I have a fixture I'm writing a program for. There are several periphery points on inside of gage. I need to offset these points by 5 mm. How do I offest these points to account for the 5mm offset? My gage builder report shows the x,y,z coordinates off set. I can measure the points but they are 5mm off. Thanks for any help!
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You should be able to pull down a point feature, turn it into a "Theoretical" feature, then formulate the nominals (right click and select formula in the nominal field for each axis). You can tell it to use the actual values from a touch point feature in these formulas. Then, you can just add the 5mm to the formula. Ex: if I want to offset the Y nominal, I would put a formula in the Y nominal field that states: getActual("Point1").y + 5.0

In the attached photo, the point on the surface with the yellow arrow is the touch point. The floating Blue "X" is the recalled point that has been offset.

Recalled Point.jpg

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  • 1 year later...
I am a new user of calypso, just done basic level training. You can yell at me if I say something wrong. 🤣
I guess his question is how to offset a point by 5 mm in vector direction. This issue is very often when using part’ cad to calibrate a gage (without a gage cad).
I have the same question.
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Thanks Erik Sikora!
To clarify the question, a picture was attached.
when using Go/Nogo feeler to check a profile of a surface for actual part on gage, a gage simulator need to be built by offset the cad surface (any type of surface). to verify gage simulator, coordinate of a point on simulator need to be obtained by offset the point on cad surface. the question is how to obtain the coordinate of point B by offset point A 5mm in vector direction.

offset point.png

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To offset a point in vector direction you measure the actual point (space point). You name it to whatever you like but in this case it is called Point1 Then you create a copy from that point and choose option theoretical feature.
Then for each for each of x, y, z, i, j, k you right click and choose formula in the nominal field. There you type
getNominal("Point1").x + 5*getNominal("Point1").nx
For y you type.
getNominal("Point1").y + 5*getNominal("Point1").ny
getNominal("Point1").z + 5*getNominal("Point1").nz

Then you do the same for the actual fields but you change getNominal to getActual for each field.
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