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Angle Between Cone and Circle Question


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1. Top Circle is a Cone
2. Smaller circle is a circle on a bushing at a lower level Z level than the cone.

I created a a theoretical line going in Y+ from my alignment.

Now Do i use a 3d line from cone to circle or 2d line ? Should i use recall or recall feature ?

3. Using angle between features to find the value.

Is this method correct?


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I'm assuming this is the "circle on cone" feature - if it's actually a cone feature then the rest of the question doesn't exactly make sense.

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3D line. 2D line is only when you're scanning the edge of something. 3D is useful when connecting connecting centerpoints like this.
Use recall, not recall feature points.

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I can't tell without seeing the print.
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You might have to project lines to a common plane. Calypso gives you the composite angle when using angle between features, projecting to a common plane will give you the 2d angle. The plane can be theoretical to an alignment system, looks like you just need a theoretical Y Plane to project to.
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