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Read a text file before starting the program


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Hello all,
I hope someone can help me.
The task.
I start a test plan, right after the start of the CMM measurement technician operator should read the file list.txt with instructions for measurement. In this list I have saved for which design the test plan works.
I know I can use the Measurement process information button at CNC start. Behind this button I have stored information about the clamping of the workpiece on the CMM.
What I have to do to see and read this list.txt appear on the desktop?
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Well you could do a text file launch if you want, but if the instructions are fairly straight forward you could just use comments in the presettings.

A message would look something like this

message("Did you forget how to load this part already??"+cr()+"load the part like Winfried showed you last week!"+cr()+"Did you even take notes???")

Ill show you the TXT file method, i just need to remember the command for launching a BAT file which will then open a TXT file of your choosing


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Create a batchfile named "inspection_start.bat"
Edit batchfile and insert path and name of the textfile you want to open, e.g. "d:\test.txt"

Than you have 2 options:
1. place the batch file the inspection folder
C:\Users\Public\Documents\Zeiss\CALYPSO\workarea\inspections\Pruefplan 10
the batchfile is only executed in inspection "Pruefplan 10"
2. place the batch file in inspection directoy
the batchfile will be executed in all inspections

In both option the textfile will pop up after you have startet your inspection, but the machine will only start running after closing the txt-file.
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Thank you Michael, i forgot about that one.
Inspection_start.bat does work, but it doesn't pause the program, it just launches the TXT file while also starting the program.
So you also need a message to pause the program and wait for operator to push a button, any comment will work.
But you also need a wait() command so the operator will see the TXT file, otherwise the TXT file will pop up but instantaneously be pushed back and covered by calypso, so a wait will slow this down but not stop it (does that make sense?)

I attached a zip file with 2 files inside, extract and put the inspection_start.bat file in the inspection folder of the program you're working on. put the TXT file somewhere, possibly the same folder or maybe another location, you decide.
Right click and EDIT the bat file, add the location of your txt file.
in the presettings of your program, copy & paste
message("Are you ready to go?")

That should get you started


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