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Issue with Profile of a line


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I need assistance in understanding how to properly recall points from a curve to use in profile of a line. I have attached a picture of how I used a point range under Add Range Limits to setup this feature. I'm not sure if I am missing a step somewhere. Is there a book or video somewhere that can walk me through the process? 837_1247b7abf125a23b503320bcba06900a.jpg
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You want to recall some points from a 3d curve into another feature? Open the feature
you want to recall into and from the curve. See those two red boxes in the upper right
corner, next to the RDS RC Position button? You can select the second (on the right)
one and draw a box around the curve points you want.
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In the example I have created 3d curve by recalling 25 points from another 3d curve that has 1000 points in it by using the point range method. Is the box method a better way of recalling?
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I use both, but prefer the "add range limits" method, especially with multiple curves and features,
I want the exact same points from each curve, which is harder to get from the box method.

What exactly are you stuck on?
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Whenever I execute the program I get results that does make sense. Look at the bottom of the Features window at the Form, Max, and Min numbers. Those should be zero until I run the program correct?
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Beware of recalculating - it will recalculate from actuals.

Before evaluating you must have nominals. So you can add them by adding points from another curve and then removing not needed ones. Or you can recall points from copy of measured curve and tick "recalculate nominals". Then it will have nominals same as model.

Check vectors after recalculation.
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