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angles not working the same


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I have a few parts that have a cone angle called out on the outside of the cone. On one program, I have a formula that correctly gets this reported, but for some reason, that same formula will not work. I have this in a "result element" characteristic. What I am seeing is that although I have selected this to be an angle callout, Calypso keeps thinking it as a length. I am currently using Calypso 6.2.12, but I don't know that the rev should be an issue as I have both programs loaded and one works while the other does not. See attached. What am I missing here?

length.jpgangle correct.png

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Looks like a bug. Have you tried toggling between Length and Angle on the one with an issue? How about recreating the Result Element?

You could also try the latest Service Pack and Patch.

ZEISS CALYPSO 2016 service pack (6.2.28)

ZEISS CALYPSO 2016 Patch 6.2.2808
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I have tried recreating the item, and then copying it from the program where it works and pasting it in the new program (feature name correct in new program). It keeps giving me the same issue.
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