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Coaxial feture position


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How do I plug the Ø.003max in the position characteristics ? See drawing attached. Can you show me the screen shot of the position to fill out?

Is 3dline better than step cylinders to construct all diameters features? Step Cylinder kind of scare me to use it.


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I would try the Step Cylinder first. It will still allow MMC/LMC, the 3d will lose that.

Also, there will be slight differences in the calculation itself.

Measure both Cylinders as individual features, create a Step Cylinder, recall feature points. Bam.
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I believe those are two different evaluations, which don't really make sense to me.

My assumption would be that they want one Position of 0.001@MMC, but with a maximum deviation of 0.003. I don't know why they don't just make 0.003 the tolerance, and be done with it.

Engineers do whatever they want.
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I do agreed with you Richard. Easy to type on drawing but don't want to explain to inspectors how to measure.
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I agree with you, Kevin, and I agree with Richard.

To give the engineer the benefit of the doubt, I would guess his/her intention is to maximize manufacturability. Perhaps something like this:

"Yes, we can provide the production team with bonus tolerance so more parts are accepted, so let's apply a .001@MMC characteristic, but we have to make sure the part fulfills its functional requirement when bonus is unavailable, so I'm going to specify this by adding a .003 MAX characteristic."

However, the MAX specification is unnecessary and implied. Also, GD&T Rule #1 may already cover this. I guess he really wanted to emphasize the position requirement when bonus is unavailable.

Jeff Frodermann
Windings, Inc.
New Ulm, Minnesota

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