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Calibration After Crash


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I always redo all the probes after a crash, but we qualify often either way. Most of the machines are on the production floor and the temperature isn't as consistent as I'd like so qualifying is a must.
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Some people goes as far as pulling their "golden" part out of the cabinet and run their verification program to make sure nothing else is wrong with the machine. What? No Golden part? 😮 😮 😮
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Before I became a Office scumbag I ran our CMM-Check from Zeiss if the collision was considered severe (severe by Zeiss standard).

Now days I think some of the operators tape back the probes together and pretend as nothing happend 😃
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Before you calibrate all probes you should check your CMM.
We use a short program in which we measure the calibrating ball with the master probe and set it to 0.
Then we measure the calibrating ball with each probe and evaluate the diameter + the X-Y and Z coordinates
So you can see easily if you have some mechanical damage that need a complete calibration or not.
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