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Simulation uses wrong probe tips


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I'm just getting Calypso Planner up and running using non-rotating head and star probes.

Single -Z probes work, but when using star probes the simulation uses the wrong probe tip causing simulated crashing.

I reopened the stylus in Stylus System Creator and all the probes are numbered correctly (2=+y,3=+x,4=-y,5=-x)

Anyone know what could be causing the problem?

Simulation Probes.PNG

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Is the probe plate oriented correctly? I'ts a long time since I built a XXT probe, but I remember that by default the plate was rotated by 90 degrees - at least in relation to our O-Inspect, which has its probe rack located in -X.
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  • 4 weeks later...
OK I got the 4-star probe tips working, but my T-probes (2 tips at 90 degrees) are trying to probe the part with a ghost tip.

So I'm thinking something is wrong. My Master probe is turned 90 degrees compared to the Duramax because I didn't know about the 90 degree head turn then.

But Calypso doesn't let me overwrite or delete my Masterprobe no matter what I try. So how do I turn my Masterprobe 90 degrees or is something else throwing my simulation off 90 degrees?
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