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Evaluate inscribed on part of circle


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Hello there,

is there some way to evaluate max inscribed / min circumscribed on part of circle? I can measure only about 140° and can not do any restrictions.
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Technically, you can't without a "circle" . Depending on the function we sometimes constrain the center and report radial distances, Min/Max.
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Use outer or inner tangental, depending on if it's ID or OD.

Edit, hum did'nt work. I recall doing this a long, long time ago. Maybe they have changed something. Or I'm stupid. Or maybe it was in GOM Inspect?

How ever, getting the max/min as John said would not be a bad idéa. Get the three, and calculate it, or recall them to a circle.
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Thx all, but simply i can not restrict axis and report max/min.
It's OD, but here is problem. It's forged part and i measure one half of part ( can not take whole circle because of mismatch dies and thickness of a part ) and it is too much deformed ( approx +/- 0,12mm ).
I want to reverse engineering what happened.

Possibly on monday i can post some pic ( hand draw is not helpfull )
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That is used in conjunction with Curve. It is typically used for finding tangent points. The most common usage is simulating a gage pin inside a tooth.

As for the OP, you cannot evaluate OTE/ITE with a partial arc.

You could potential accomplish what you are looking for by using the Size - Standards - Radius measurement. It will give you the radial value of all points captured. You could extract the (3) maximum points, and the (3) minimum points, and construct their respective circles. That would get you close to a OTE/ITE evaluation.

Might I suggest measuring a Curve across the arc, and evaluating the Profile with the tolerance being the size limit?
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I remember reading somewhere (online help?) that Calypso refuses to calculate max inscribed circle with less than 180°. Back in UMESS times this was still possible, but I guess nowadays the uncertainty of it is considered too high.
I still find this article quite helpful, despite its age: http://www.dr-hernla.de/Hernla%20Info%2 ... chnitt.pdf. Unfortunately there's no English version.
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