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Adding new CAD to Pi-Web report


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After finding this feature where I am able to add CAD files and use MIBA flags I would like to add this to a lot of reports.

But sometimes it is doing some odd things.
Like this attached graphic. I have no idea where the plane comes from. But I would really like it not to be there.

How can I add a new CAD file where the MIBA flag will work?
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  • 5 weeks later...
Hello Tommi,

CAD reports have been an integral part of PiWeb since the beginning. I would recommend you have a quick call with support and I think it will be sorted out quickly. 🙂
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The mesh model in PiWeb reporting is only generated when the CALYPSO test plan is started for the very first time.
This must be set:
Extras / Settings / PiWeb reporting => Transfer CAD model automatically => On

If the mesh model is missing in PiWeb reporting, or if the CAD model in PiWeb reporting is to be exchanged, the mesh model can be loaded into the database afterwards:
Configuration of PiWeb reporting output: 882_a1f9ba0a6d856c49d8773ebd284a4021.jpg
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