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Step Point or Kink


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Hello, my friends!
I need to figure out how to measure concentricity (see attached file)
But it seems to me impossible with Calypso! Because of too small step (0,2mm max) I don`t know anything about these functions, but maybe this could work, I mean- "Step point or Kink" ?
Can someone explain these functions? Or where I can read about them?
Or someone have better ideas how to measure this dimension?
My idea was to determine point from step point (3x or 4x)
Recall these 3 or 4 points into circle and put in concentricity and also define diameter. Could it work?
Thank you... 🙂

Ekrānuzņēmums 2021-01-06 155846.jpg

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Step point should work for this, not kink.

It involves making 2 features. The first is a 2d line that scans very slowly across the step, with very high point density - make sure to travel so that the probe falls "down" the step.

The second feature is used as a "reference axis" - something 3d with an axis parallel to the 2dline you just scanned. A cylinder, 3d line or a plane should work. It's hard to tell from the drawing you posted what would work best for this.

Put both these features in the step point construction. You should be able to group and pattern them, then recall into a circle like you said.
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I just checked, the manual allows using a portion of the 2dline as its own reference. You have to create a second 2dline, and recall feature points from only a straight portion of the first line's path.
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