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Probe Rack Location


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I have 2 stylus racks on my CMM and I need to lower both racks to allow for clearance to setup a new probe I bought. Can I simply lower the racks and "Define Holder Location" with 1 probe and all styli will readjust to the new height? Or will I need to re-setup all probes? I always keep these probes setup as seen, so I don't have much experience building and placing styli. 2855_31476149ddfc11e7477b06d4f58bc1e3.jpg
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You should only have to run the define holder location. Just make sure you don't lower it too far so you still have clearance for the probes to move freely in and out of the holder.
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You may have no choice but It looks like you have that rack on a custom plate? I would not recommend that if you plan to do a yearly calibration, you'll have to take it off and set it up each time if the calibration is done by Zeiss or their affiliates.
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We have the same setup with a Teco plate. We keep location numbers so that putting the plate back and re-finding the holders takes about 15 minutes. I'll sacrifice that time for the time saved with that plate.
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Meh, just my opinion. The rack also has to be straight and flat to certain degree or it won't put the probes back correctly even after you calibrate it.

I learned all of this the hard way because whoever set up my rack before I came to this job was off by 0.400in.
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