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Profile of multiple curves


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Depending on the customer's requirements i have reported it a few different ways. I have a customer which requires 18 different results on the IR. I have another that requires the range of the 18 times, which I will use a min result and max result to input into the IR. I have another that just wants the worst result, which i then report just the max result. Maybe other's have a better method.
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With the MMB on Datum C? Probably not.

One thing I wish Calypso could do is build multi curves like this without trying to connect them. I've seen "other" software that can do this.
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I guess I didn't look close enough. This always presents problems for me when there is MMC on profiles that I know could be used, but not sure how to go about it with Calypso.
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If it was only one feature you can use Line Profile to get material modifier on the Datum, but multiple features would be a challenge is not almost impossible. Maybe someone has a clever workaround.
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I was thinking the same thing. Another thought I had was do you think the intent was 18 times individually, and not in a pattern?

There have been numerous times when holes or profiles are called out like this, I will ask the costumer if the intent was to be individual, or as a pattern. Often times, they will tell me it's fine if it is evaluated individually.
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We have several customer drawings with profile callouts similar to this. I believe it is all in the wording.
When it says 18x or 18 places we evaluate all 18 and report the worst case.
Also have seen as 18x or 18 places individually. In this case we report each one individually.
Sometimes it might be 18x as shown, but in the detail view it states "individually" or each one will have some identifier or "starting from here" CW or CCW. In this case, we report each separately as well.
Looking at your drawing without any more information I would evaluate all 18 and report the highest.
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If you really wanna get tricky and use that MMB, the trick would be to try and get some center points out of those pockets one way or another using some constructed features or whatever you have to do. From there, you can do a Position characteristic that will evaluate a bore pattern with the view tolerances best fit checked on and allowing translation and rotation. You can then use the MMB modifier for datum C (I'm assuming Datum C is the center bore). Now you can either recall all those curves into a single freeform, or do them individually. I probably would do 18 individual ones just because it says 18x on the drawing, but its all the same. Just use the alignment that is created by the bore pattern position tolerance to evaluate all the profiles.
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Waw, a wonderful job with fabulous profile call out. I hope it was in inches.Look like gas turbine part.

How did you check this part, 2d curve or free form surface ?, Evaluation best fit of curves?,

A hard nut to crack.....
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With MMB on Datum C, all 18 profiles need to be evaluated together. If the datum structure was fully constrained with no MMB, then you could report each one individually, or the highest one.
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You can still report them individually as long as you use the same alignment for each one. The simultaneous requirement in Y14.5 just states that In a simultaneous requirement, there is no translation or rotation between the datum reference frames of the included geometric tolerances. So as long as you are using the same alignment, you will satisfy this requirement.
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