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unmanned program start


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One day my supervisor came to me and asked if it's possible that our Zeiss Contura CMM automatically starts kalibrating at 05 AM so it is finished kalibrating before our shift starts at 06 AM.

Does anyone of you know if this is possible? That Calypso recoginises the time and automatically start kalibrating? We don't have a PCM licence..

Kind regards and thanks in advance,

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If it is possible I would say it'd have to be with PCM. I don't know if you want to possibly explore the option of having a third part macro run that opens your calibrating program and starts the run.
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I don't have the enough knowledge answer this question, but one thing I would like to ask why your calibrating everyday??
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Related question... Is it possible to write a "dummy" program then put all the probes into it for calibration and then start that program just before you go home? The probes are still calibrated when you come in the next day. I also agree with Shabu that it is not needed every day.
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Risk management? A lot of companies have CMM programmers and CMM operators. You can have new CMM operators who maybe run the wrong part program, maybe they don't load the part in the fixture correctly... causing collisions - potentially damaging your styli, cracking an extension etc.

And then you run parts that cost money to manufacture, and realize you've run 3 entire days where your data is questionable.

For the time it takes to qualify your probes... the question is, why not?
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Imagine you have an Aston Martin car ,would you let inexperienced driver to drive your car.
The answer is no.
Zeiss machines are very expensive, your company should provide a qualified operator for goodness of your machine and your company.
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Yes, this is covered in training. You can make a program with all, and run "selected" ones. You could even group them by day if you wanted to qualify on alternate days during work hours.
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Sorry to say I had, in one of my program I had one mm probe used only for one feature, I qualified it with wrong tip number and I got a good result for a bad job. Fortunately it was a development job, only 10 numbers and I had no big issue.
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That's actually... not what I'm suggesting at all. I've seen a lot of our customers neglect qualifying their styli - something happens that damages it in some way (ruby, extension) and now the parts are showing up out of spec. Machinists / manufacturing spends time chasing down a problem that doesn't exist. Replace the component / tighten the components and requalify - "oh, these parts are actually good".
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For sure. I usually report form during machine operation checks to help flag bad ruby, loose styli, shanking etc.. If there is a problem with bad data it helps. If I have any doubts, time to qualify.
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Smart! Takes almost no effort to introduce form characteristics as a "sanity check" - more people should do this. Anyways, didn't want to hijack this guys thread. I don't know of a way to start a program automatically and I fear for some of the implications that could happen from unmanned CMM operation without being part of an Automation project. I'll see myself out.
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I have our Duramax shop floor CMM's set-up to require calibration every 8 hours.
They are not in the cleanest environment checking the the cleanest parts so, this ensures that the all the probes are cleaned (part of the protocol) and also removes any doubts of unknown collision events happening in the prior shift.

All that said, even though I have no real idea how, I'm sure it could be set up to calibrate them automatically. Used to be an individual on here that had his set to run a warm-up program automatically.
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yes, remote access from home.
But this is a very slippery slope that will end up leading to you taking delivery of a band new camera to be placed in the quality lab and pointed at the cmm (just for you, not going to be viewed by management, yeah right) because you'll need to verify that the machine is clear before hitting start.

Then of course they won't pay you anything extra for having to add 20 minutes to your morning routine

So just tell your boss no, not possible.
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Is not nice but it works... otherwise you have to increase your programing skills or pay for the solution...
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This is what I would do, you can make a program that will run qualification on all the probes you want I have it set to calibrate all systems which is bout 12 styli it helps so you can walk away instead of switch the stylus systems between each qualification. If you don't have that start by making that, if you need help with that just let me know. The one thing about it is you need to run a reference sphere location with the master before this program can be run every time, id say try running the master probe at night before you leave and leave it positioned above the sphere then record your mouse movements to hit run on the program in the morning. The only problem might be Calypso tends to move the cnc run warning window all the time but should be able to get through it with an enter key so i don't know if the windows mouse recorder allows for any keyboard input. You might need to use a third party macro recorder that a little more sophisticated ive never tried the windows one. Ive played around with trying to automate Calypso with a macro script I wanted it to pull open the program by itself when scanning the barcode on our paper work, it worked ok but ultimately i stopped using it because i didn't want to be in charge of constantly updating the list with all the rev level changes they do around here.
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In this way, it is not possible to clean the probe, sphere and device. Instead, at the end of the day, if you do the cleaning and adjustments, then I start the calibration and go home. 🙂
You can also monitor the situation with a remote connection from home.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Look under resources\utilities\probing system qualification. This will give you a characteristic that you set up as the probe system you want to get checked. I use this on my 4 most used probe systems. They all have to be in the tool rack to perform an automatic system change. However, you still need to run the master probe to locate the reference sphere first.

As I was taught in training, any probe system that could be used with another system in a single part inspection should always be inspected together. If the sphere is somehow shifted (bumped for example) this shift will be translated into the stylus qualifications and you will get bad data.
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Whoever the last person to touch the cmm is can start a qualification program with a simple wait() command in the presettings.
but it needs to be started at a certain time every day unless you want to expand on the idea and parameterize the wait period based on time (in seconds) now vs time (in seconds) at 5am.
So say you're the only shift that runs, or maybe you have a 2nd shift that runs and leaves at 10pm, if you can start the program every day at say 10pm you can put a wait(25200) so the program will just do nothing for 7 hours then come to life and start moving. 25200 seconds is the 7 hours from 10pm to 5am.

Time in seconds can be difficult, but i've never dealt with the more simple time() in anything but direct reporting, so i don't know what it can do
You can start with a couple questions "what time is it now" and "what time do you want to start"

"what time is it now HOUR" lets say input is 10
"what time is it now MINUTES" lets say input is 15
"what time is it now AM or PM" lets say PM
so the value right now is 36000+900+43200=80100 seconds
24 hours minus your input will be 86400-80100=6300 seconds

(update: no input needed for start time, start time will simply be full day minus current time, 86400 -timeInSeconds() )

"what time do you want to start HOUR" 5
"what time do you want to start MINUTES"0
"what time do you want to start AM or PM"am
start time will be 18000+0+0=18000 seconds

so the wait time from 1015 pm to 5am will be 6300+18000=24300 seconds.

it works.

now i forgot if you were asked this before, do you have PCM?
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  • 3 months later...
Seems a bit overexaggerated for starting a qualification. 🙄

I mean if you are using the cmmos socket, you can do it with windows scheduler and batchfile? Guess some one have too much spare time during this pandemic 🙂

Here's one approach, achived with 14 lines:

(Stricktly as an entertaining video of one possible solution)
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