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Unknown Vmax setting


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After shutting down a Navigator for the weekend, we had a never before seen Vmax formula show up in the speed selection of the Start screen when we restarted. Don't know how it got there. It looks like this----vMAX [Act. vMAx=70].
We are now stuck at a max speed of 70mm/s. Can't get rid of or override it. How can we get this deleted.?

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Have you checked the key switch at the controller? --> must be set to AUTO

The meaning of the "formula" is that the measuring plan was originally programmed with a different (higher) speed setting than is supported on the machine it's currently opened on. For example, when I program on our offline seat, I usually set speed to 160 (what we use on our Contura). If I open it on our old MC it reads "160 [Act. vMAX=120]"
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  • 2 years later...
This happened somewhat recently to me, as well. Turning the key solved this problem for me, as well. Does anyone know if this happened due to an automatic software update? I can't think of any other reason as to why this would have happened out of the blue on 2 different machines here. As far as I know, nobody changes that key position for any reason, so it seems that this setting should've always been active.
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