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New tip and CMM points


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I have been measuring a cylinder that is little bit long and can't measure with single tip. So I used two tips tip 5 and tip 3, first I measure a circle with tip 5 then I use CMM position point for navigating tip 3 for other circular segment and was going well for years,so far so good, but now I changed tip 3 with new one little bit long . I did the calibration in my ordinary qualification program. But now instead measuring the circle,tip 3 moves across the casting and causes collusion.
I can't understand where is the mistake, should have been calibrated inside the program?
Or that CMM position point should have been updated by me?
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Sometimes it's easier to add another Clearance Data rather than move points, especially if you have to clear the plane in between tips.

But your collision sounds like the wrong tip got selected for the next point.
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I wonder how is calypso calculating vectors for move points. Did you checked if move points have same tip? There must be something if it is another behaviour.
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Almost exactly what I was about to say. I prefer additional clearance data over position points whenever possible in situations like this (and we have a lot of them), so I don't have to worry about which tip has to move when. Why use your own brain when Calypso can do all the work for you? 🤣
If it's not the wrong tip, maybe the longer stylus is now near the edge of the measuring range? In the past I've seen Calypso trying to cheat its way past the part very slowly while the stylus was still inside the clearance cube, 'hoping' to make it through without a collision.
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Another common issue is qualifying the wrong stylus, i.e. 3 is active but you qualify the 5 stylus. With 3 active, check the X value of the stylus properties. It should be a positive X value.
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Thanks for all the reply, I crossed all the t's and dotted all the i's of my program, finally I understand problem was in my initial program . I used wrong tip for CMM points, I used tip 5 instead tip 3. Wonder still it was running well 😮 😮 .
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