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Startup Calypso


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I am having trouble opening Calypso. I last use to load/save environment under file...it froze. I had to use task manger to shut it down and now I can get it to open Calypso. The screen shot is what I'm seeing ….I have never see this before. Any advice. My software agreement contract expired!!!!!!
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With the risk to be wrong: but maybe the RAM doesn’t have more space available:
(I would check if the Workstation achieve the Minimum requirements and secondly I would set a new CMM configuration.)

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Israel is correct, but your physical amound of RAM doesnt have anything to do with this, the applications memory allocation is 2 147 483 648B (2048MB in binary), and you sir are leaking like wikileaks... 😃
Normal usage is between ~300-400MB.

If you know how, you could try to force a garbage collection. Otherwise, call Zeiss, or repare your Calypso installation.
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