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skipping a feature?


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I write programs that are sometimes huge. Is there a way to skip a feature, like a circle etc. that is not there in the original program without going into the program and deleting the characteristic, then putting it back later? I guess I am kind of looking for like an on / off switch for features that might not be in a similar part, for which I have a program already written. Or, sometimes I will get a first piece, that is only 1/2 way complete, and I want to shut off 1/2 the program that I don't need.
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Find the feature you would like to bypass in the characteristic tab, right click on that feature and select "masked". This will allow the program to skip over this when running the program. If you're program is very large maybe try the mini plan option under the "plan" drop down menu. Using this feature you can create your own mini plan within your program.
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But be careful with chracteristics that create a reference (alignment) for other features, for example a best fit bore pattern. If you mask this and another feature needs the reference, it will still be measured. This even happens in a mini plan.
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