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True Position with MMB


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What exactly is going on here?
Looking at the Default Printout shed more light into why the results are different, but it doesn't look like I'm getting MMB on Datum C (imagine that), and with a zero tolerance it looks like it is allowing rotation from the tertiary??
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Did you tried it without adding MMC on datum B and C.

Spline method evaluation is recommended??
Zeiss cook book suggest gauss method, this why iam asking.
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Datum A is a plane and restricts 3 DOF (two rotational and one translational).
Datum B is a cylinder and restricts 2 DOF (two translational) since it seems to be perpendicular to Datum A.
Datum C is a circle. A circle is a 2D element and only restricts translational DOF, but there is none left, so in this datum structure it’d be useless.
It’s amazing how often those datum structures are misused, not making sense at all. The datums go from left to right. Used DOF from the left side with higher priority can’t be modified by a datum field from the right side with lower priority.

Maybe I misunderstood something. Can you give more information about the actual elements used as datums?
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It is not useless and not misused.calypso will try to rotate and translate the coordinates system eventhough it is completely constrained, just like a functional position gauge. You will try to wobble and rotate the gauge until it fit , then you leave it.
But it is not advisable to use MMB for internal production process correction, the result and additional printout may not be actual feature position.
You can use it when you sell the product to customer and take full advantage of prinout.
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I'll have to do more testing. This was just in a normal position. I'll throw it in a pattern, and see what kind of results I get.
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