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Probe Deviation in Curve


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Has anyone ever come across this. One one flank of the gear tooth the probe follows the profile correctly. One the other side it follows the profile correctly, but reports a deviation of my probe width. Roughly 2mm(0.078").
This has only started doing this recently.
It's as if the software cannot determine which side of the probe to report with.
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- Could be a wrong or missing planar Rotation ?
- Try BestFit around space axis and check the Rotation angle Deviation

- the plot do not Show the normal direction ?
- search distance for actual used for Deviation ?
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Maybe the part size and point spacing in the curve conflict with the larger
probe? Like maybe a ratio thing going on? Just thinking out loud.
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Max search distance is at default 0.1969.
Best Fit Rotation is fixed around Z axis. Translation Fixed along X and Y.

I created the curve by using CAD, Creating Features, Section (then I select the feature that I want), Hierarchy (which is where I select the profile that I want, and eliminate the points that I don't want), Creation ( I key in the number of points that I want, then click Curve).
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Turn off the Rotation in the Z axis and see what it looks like.

I've never seen this error before, but what might be happening is the error isn't being split correctly for the Best Fit.

You might even try aligning to one tooth/gap, and measuring to that alignment instead of using the need of the Best Fit (at least in the Rotation side).
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I Section the part, then go to Hierarchy. Toggle the top box off which has the file name in it. Then pick the curves that I want measured. Then go to Creation Type the number of points I want in the points box, then select Curve.
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  • 4 months later...
It looks like the radius at the root is too tight, and the Calypso software isn't sophisticated enough to be able to calculate the transition.
Even with best fit off, it improves, but there are still several random teeth where this error is present.
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  • 2 months later...
I'm still struggling with this. Calypso randomly switches the measurement output one full diameter of the probe while performing a curve trace. I am currently using a 0.8mm probe, and this trace was run at 0.005 speed.

Does any one have any insight into this?
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Is this a 2D curve? If so, then it may be that you need to "Digitize" the curve.

Apologies if I'm off-base. I'm short on time and could only skim this thread; However, most of the time that i've had probe radius corrections errors on 2D curves it was a result of not Digitizing the curve.
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open up the curve feature and in the middle drop down menu there is a digitizing option somewhere in there. If you have it off, I think they make it bright red or something.
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He created the curve off the cad model so, I can't see digitalizing it doing any good. Digitalizing is creating new nominals by scanning around the gear teeth to acquire them (new nominals) and unless you have a master part, I wouldn't recommend it.

When you open up the curve feature, does it show all the nominal vectors perpendicular to the surface, i.e pointing away from the curve line?
If some of the nominal vectors, any for that mater, point the opposite way, then that may be the problem. If so, I'd recommend recreating the curve from the model or you could go in an reverse each vector but, recreating it would be probably be quicker.
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All of the vectors look fine. It usually crashes on me if they weren't.

I should note, that this isn't a gear in this case. It's a series of grooves in a plate.
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