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RMS "Root mean square"


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Hi every one 

I'm a new user 

Pleases, I have a question on how to calculate the RMS for the Surface comparison. In the software GOM, I was able to find only the " Devation Label Arithmetic mean" not the RMS. 

Please, If someone helps 


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to the best of my knowledge, there is no way to access the RMS directly with a command or label. However, in the script editor there is a token which can be used to access the standard deviation of the surface deviation values, e.g. like this:

sigma = gom.app.project.inspection['Surface comparison 1'].distance_statistics.sigma
print("sigma =", sigma)

Based on this token, you can also define a "user defined check" which will allow you to see the resulting value as part of a label in the 3d view.

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