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Start Alignment


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I am getting programs from sister plant. I notice there is start alignment program. How that works? Do I do base alignment on first part and then do start alignment on 2nd part and so on. I'm assuming part are not in fixture in same location. Right?
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If you set up the part the same as the sister plant, you can select Start Alignment to touch off your part. Hopefully, they set it up to automatically switch to "Manual" alignment but if they didn't, you can select Manual alignment and follow along just like a manual alignment on a standard Base Alignment. After you finish the start alignment, it will automatically run the Base Alignment.

On the next run, switch back to using the Base Alignment.
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I find start alignments useful in situations where you are using constructed features in base alignments or it is difficult to do the base alignment. I used to try to make the base alignment mimic the datum structure that was most common on the print. Now I just use simple features in the base alignment and create secondary alignments for evaluating features and characteristics just so for ease of operator use. I don't want to come back because they crashed the CMM by not aligning correctly.
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