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defining points using cylindrical co-ordinates


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I have a part with cam surface and i have a point set that needs to be probed. However the distances given are radial distance and angle increments ( cylindrical co-ordinates instead of cartesian co-ordinates). How do I go about defining these points easily and fast? Any suggestions?

What I can try: Create secondary alignment and use it to define a point cartesian co-ordinate and then change it to base alignment. Rotate the secondary alignment and repeat process. Seems like a time consuming process to do it for all points.
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You can change the way Calypso displays the coordinates by going to Resources > Features representation.

Select the points you are trying to modify, then open the Features representation window and set mode to "modify"

At this point you can change the tick from "Cart." to "Cyl.". This should allow you to view your points with Radius/Angle/Height instead of X/Y/Z.
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