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Alignment Question


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Hello, Im programming a part and im having trouble aligning in the Y axis, its an odd shaped part and it appears i dont have 2 dimensions i can make a symmetry point/line to center the y axis in my alignment. I know i can probe one side and then shift the alignment by that distance to get to the "zero" however with this part being all plus or mins .001 im wondering how accurate that would be? Any tips would be much appreciated, thank you.

PS. This is my first post!

zeiss aligment pic.jpg

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I presume that Y axis is UP DOWN on drawing.
Then I would use plane or line from 2x.4680 for secondary base.
Then I would use symetry from left side .4680 and .4190 and in Special add move in Y for +.0245.
This will make zero point as gets drawing.
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I hate prints without DRF’s that don’t define Datum’s A,B,C etc and don’t add Ø symbols to define diameters.
That said,
It appears that the 0.4680 with the +0.0015 -0.000 (balloon 44?) edge goes straight across to be symmetrical and parallel to the Y origin? It (#44) being one of the closest tolerances and the widest area across that is even, I’d use that edge all the way across as the planar alignment (3D line or derived plane from both sides)and to offset the Y origin to.
Make sense?
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