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This is only possible if the CAD model contains additional PMI (product manufacturing information) data and if PMI is supported for the CAD format you use.
If this is the case, Calypso should automatically display a new tab labelled PMI in the upper left after loading the model.
There are also settings somewhere I don't remember (probably in CAD-> Settings) whether Calypso shall evaluate PMI information or not.
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What type of files with PMI are supported by calypso? As i recall, you need to pay for a license for these files, i.e. solid works, catia, etc. that would have the PMI information. Are their other files that can be used that are already supported?
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The file types that are supported in Calypso are: ACIS, CATIA, ProE, NX, SolidWorks, STEP, IGIS, VDAFS, DXF, CATIA V, JT, Inventor, Parasolid, and SolidEdge.

Also, yes, depending on the file type that you are looking to import a license would be required.
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The following CAD options support PMI

Creo Parametric 3.0 - 4.0
Siemens NX from 8.0 - 12
SOLIDWORKS from Premium 2014 x64-Edition (Service Pack 5.0) - Premium 2018 without MBD
CATIA from V5 - V6 R2018

These change with every version. Details are in the release notes.
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Hello Eric. I have a CAD file that our designer said are with PMI included. But it is a file .prt.19
How it should be exported in .stp file? I read should be in STEP 242 format?
With what software I can do this. In our factory we are using Creo. Or what should to ask to designer when they are update the CAD file with PMI info? (it's a little bit complicated, it's from other country)

Thank you!
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We have not been able to successfully test how the step242 will work. I know the .step file is additional cost, and I don't know if the .step242 is in addition or if it would be used with the added license. When we got quotes about the solid works or Catia added licenses, the cost was ridiculously expensive so we haven't had the chance to use any PMI file formats yet.

The biggest challenge we face is most of our files come from our customers, which use many different file formats, and trying to convert them to what will work with Calypso has been a challenge, so we have continued to use models without PMI.
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