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Points of geometry on CAD model


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Hello all,
I would know if some of you know hot to show measured points of a geometry in cad view. For example, I have a 2d line geometry (see picture) measured here.
I would see measured points on my CAD view and don't know how to do it. I know how to do it with curve (2d curve and profile calculation) but is that possible to do with standard geometry ?

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CAD - Evaluation - Result tab, click "display" I choose Spheres under
Presentation. Check color gradient to show plus/minus material conditions.
Click on the Characteristics tab - Display Banners.

You can set those settings to what you prefer, that's just what I use.
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Thanks for your answer !
Which result do I have to choose if I want to show my points ? I've tried TRUE POSITION and don't work (seems to show form default). I want to see measured points compared to nominal geometry.

I can do it with curve and then using profile calculation (but not working with 2d line).
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In CAD -> Eval you enable displaing deviations.
You seek for displaying arrows of measured points.

Open feature ( your 2d line ) and right click of mouse to model view and select "show measured points"
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Thanks for your answer ! I can see measured points better than before, do you know if I can show min max deviation ?

Have a good day.

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Select one characteristic ( some characteristics does not have all options ) - in CAD -> Eval is at bottom checkbox for display min/max.
For examply - Line profile does have min/max, but Surface profile does not. So you must search for chars. which have this option.
After enabling it it works for all chars.
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