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Rectangular Path Strategy Using Optics


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Hello everyone, I am currently trying to inspect a part that has rectangular pins on it. I need to get length/Width and location on them. I also need to use the camera (o-inspect 322) because the pins are long, thin, and numerous. My issue is that selecting rectangular path (the only optical strategy) isn't working. no matter the number of points I set, the step width is a negative value. If I set a manual step width, then the number of points becomes negative. The feature won't run if either are negative. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
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Changing the lengths to nominal value changes the number but they remain negative. I've used rectangular paths without issue before but this is my first time using the optics with it. 2277_df006d42fa5316d908fd2f4f2cf5fb44.jpg
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If I'm reading these right, you have a square rectangle 0.025(units) to a side. If that's the case, you need to dial your edge stops in the measuring strategy way down, as moving in 0.025(units) from each edge leaves you with less than no measurable area.
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AH! Yes, thank you very much. I was reading this effectively as a search distance, not as a "stop this far from the edge" distance. Simply misunderstood what I was actually changing and ended up creating a search distance in the negative. Solved now. Thank you for the help.
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