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Measure RT 2x with Macro


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We use RT a lot for most of our parts.
Regrading parts which need to be flipped for 2 sided programs, we can do it either in one program (flipping CAD- as long as RT is not required), or link a macro.

What I have found, if I make 2 programs, Side 1 & 2, and both program measure a feature to determine the part angle/ RT-axis info , they both run and function as expected individually by updating the RT-Axis info.

However, when I save the 2nd one as a macro and link it to the first, it runs. However I never see the RT Info get updated again.

I'm not sure it's sending the info to update RT. I would think this should at least be an option with macros. Perhaps it is an oversight by Zeiss?

I do have a ticket in, but no answer yet.

This also brings up another question I will post in PCM regarding writing to RT-Axis.

Let me know if anyone has made a similar program and had any success.

Thanks guys!
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Not sure if this helps, but we inspect a long thin OD shaft in a vertical rotary on a 543 O-inspect. I create a rotary alignment using the part. Measure the part (a cylinder), rotate 180 degrees and measure the cylinder again. Create a symmetry from the two. The symmetry becomes the feature used in the rotary alignment. Reason for this is at the tip of the part there is the same geometry 180 degrees apart. So the rotary alignment removes and runout in the part. Possibly something along those lines would work for your situation? Inserting "rotateReference" in your post settings ensures that the rotary will travel home (0) upon completion of the program. Again, maybe something here could help in your situation?
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Correct. This is standard / proper way of measuring part on RT in my opinion. See Manual Chapter 14.
It's often overlook, and assumed Calypso just knows where the part is based off scanning datum with RT, etc.

My concern/question is :

If you use the method described with a macro. When the 1st side finishes and you flip the part to side 2, it runs the macro - let's just assume this is some type of symmetrical shaft, so Side 2 is identical; measuring a feature at 0° and 180° and using for RT Reference corrections. When Side 2 is linked to Side 1 as a MACRO, it doesn't seem to update RT Corrections for Side 2. However, if the program was run individually it would.

Logically, I can see this is because in the combo/macro program, for Side 1 we choose "Some Cylinder Side 1 RT feature" for example.

I would kind of expect this to work out of the box, but I can see why it does not. Perhaps we could make it work with some crafty PCM.

I think Zeiss should add option to allow "RT Re-Qual" when running a macro.

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