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Store Custom Probe in Probe Rack with out Collision..How?


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See Both Pictures attached.
I have a Probe. 160MM on the 2 and 4 Directions (Y+ and Y-). How can I set the Machine to realize this? Due to the Extensions of where the Stylus is, it does not take into account the adapter block and the extra length...So When it stores it...well...Its to long.

How do I fix this? I have quite a few Programs now that utilize this probe and I do not feel comfortable having an operator manually change the Stylus (Already had one crash a program)

Is it in Parameters??

Thanks in Advance!

Probe Rack.jpg160MM 2-4.jpg

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Too long? Is it hitting the other probes in the rack?

Looks like your rack is full. If it hits the other probe, maybe take out the probe you use the LEAST and re arrange what you have left over. This in turn would leave an empty socket but give you plenty of room to change out the probe

You can manually insert the probe that you took out. Again choose the one you use the least.

Could also look into buying more sockets and adding them to your probe rack. Would extend it out...
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If I see this right.....
Move star probe on left to upper left or right.
Move two other upper probes to lower left.
Load new probe to upper right center. I'm thinking it'll sit under your other star probe.
It's how I see it.
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I should have been more clear.

The Probe Rack Picture is meant to show what kind of Rack I have.... sounded wrong.... I can move them all around and Ideally I like to make the Top Right Location my Interchangeable Location where I change out probes for different programs.

So If I were to remove the Top Right Probe and store the 160MM Probe there.. Am I just changing the Parameters?

And by "too Long" Yes, It would take out every probe.
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This worked. 200 MM change and good to go.
Now, after storing a Stylus the Head is pretty close to the rack when moving in the X axis to other Stylus locations.. How can I back that off a bit.... Its to close to my liking.
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Is there a chance you could make a stand for a new tool bay and mount it away from the others? Since you teach the bay locations I don't see a problem if you have the room.
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  • 1 year later...
Hello CMM Community,
Something had happened when I was trying to change the Stylus system before a measurement with A=90 and B=-90, the Vast crashes with the Holder when B go to 0 degrees before change.
I avoid it but with CMM position on air, but not the right programming way.
Please, any recommendation.
Best regards
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