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True position troubles


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The part is a cannulated cylinder about 8" long, on the left side is a slightly larger OD cylinder that is made up from two 100 degree radial segments 180 degrees apart, (not a full circle) separated by two flats 180 degrees apart. Datum-A- is an ID only about 2" long on the right end of the part. I'm reporting the position (.007 -A-) of the larger OD back to -A-. The segmented OD is going to be a problem, and datum -A- is just to short. They say they can't straighten the part less than .005". I'm just looking for ideas to I'm prove my results. Thanks in advance.
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You want to improve your results by strategy? Or you want to prove your strategy? 😃
Anyway, separated circle ( cylinder ) : choose slower scanning speed or use touch points instead. Slower speed gets less masked points.

MMC for datum A would be nice 🙂 If it's bore than it can be difficult for concentricity. I don't know usage, but couldn't you use circle on left side? I dont' believe that is left side without support.
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