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Pi-Web CAD Presentation Scrambling


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My company uses CAD Presentations in Calypso in order to visually communicate the location of measurement points in the Pi-Web report.

The reports start out clean, with characteristic banners carefully placed in a way that is legible on the report. Over time, the CAD presentations scramble and become illegible (see before and after images).

Does anyone know why the scrambling happens, how to fix it, and/or how to prevent it from happening over and over again?
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I think there is an option to Pin the tol boxes to the screen so that they can not and will not move. Been a while since I've done that so once I get back in front of my machine ill look.

Unless someone else chimes in and drops the knowledge
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I use CAD presentation which uses saves actual view. I select characteristic, pick points, sort them around by moving them, then save view. I found, that one view can be used only for one characteristic.
Never happened, that points and flags are misplaced.

Rather i have troubles now with displaying those flags. I have all enabled but no flag displayed when clicked on point.
For a few points in measurement it works, but when i have about 500 points it won't show.
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I go about creating the CAD presentations the same way, and also use each view only once.

Upon further testing, the scrambling issues seems to only happen when running the program from the autorun screen. When I run from within the program, it works fine.

Still hoping to find a workable solution with autorun, as we do not want to give program access to the production operators.
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Okay, sorry for the triple post, but I found the solution!

We had the "Always Leave CAD Window Open" option selected on the Autorun screen. When I turned this setting off, we started getting clean CAD presentations again. When I turned it back on, they scrambled. Hope this helps someone in the future!
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