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Diamond Stylus, How to Calibrate?


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Hi, I am pretty sure I know the answer but would like to be certain so I do not damage Reference Sphere.

I should not do a Tensor and only Geo Qual? ( 6 Point? ) . I feel a Tensor and the scan with eat the Ref Sphere. Or am I completely wrong here?
It is a 3MM x 58 Diamond Stylus for measuring Bare Aluminum.
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I'd imagine the diamond tip would eventually start to wear down the reference sphere, I have never used one but with how often we qualify I think it would over time leave a mark on the ceramic.
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We had noticed wear on the Ref Sphere well before we ever started using diamond styli. Our solution to this has generally been to do dynamic tensor only once when we initially set up a stylus to get the dynamic bending parameters correct, and then to simply do regular static tensor requalifications to keep the locations accurate. This minimizes the amount of "scanning" the styli do on the Ref Sphere. We use diamond styli on all three of our Micuras. The initial reference sphere where we initially noticed the wear is no longer in service.
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