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How to save measured points


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I know how to setup a program to save measured points, but I often forget to select this option when I create new programs. Is there a way to change a default setting, so the measured points selection will always be on when a new program is created?
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Thank you. I might just create a template. I am searching deep into the background files right now where all of the default settings are stored. I have found useful things in the past such as the master password location. Long story short, I was the only programmer at a previous company and they would not give me the master password, so I could start creating programs for them, so I found the location, hidden deep within the files, deleted it, logged into Calypso without a password, changed it, and only shared it with my immediate boss. There are useful things hidden, but you have to be careful or you could really mess things up.
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There are many uses. Sometimes I re-load previous points:
-to export data for additional characteristics for features that have already been measured
-to display a color map of the actual form of a feature
-to make corrections in a program and re-run the report
-to analyze measured data old or new (reviewing actual points for error etc)

I analyze a lot of measured data daily and sometimes when the data doesn't make sense, I reload the points and I notice that the A1 and/or A2 is way off or I notice that the actual points are skewed. It helps to visualize things to help identify when there are errors in the program or errors in the measurement itself.
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IMO, Templates are the way to go. You can create as many as you like based on units, vendor, measurement strategies, custom reports, etc, etc, etc. To keep from accidently overwriting the program, once you've saved it as a plan change the attributes of the inspection file to Read Only.
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How do you folks go about saving a Template program? How does that work with the base alignment or do you just not save an alignment...

Also, what is the step by step routine for saving a Template program?

Very interested in this.
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The data cloud has everything you measured so, you can add characteristics and report them using subsequent evaluation. This is useful when someone comes to you a week later and asks" hey what was the max inscribed diameter of that hole ?, or the position of that casting boss ? " The parts could have left the plant, but you still have the data.
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Go to "Resources", "Results to File" then, select "On" for "Measuring points". Be sure to set the "Limit" to a ridiculously high number as once it reaches said limit, it will begin to overwrite your data starting at the 1st entry and counting back up again.


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I don't have any special Template procedure, but when programming a family of parts i create one program, typically the largest or smallest part in the family and while im programming ill send the cad model to the 3d printer so i can test the program on the cmm to make sure i'm not going to be programming the cmm in maximum Destruct mode.
That also gives me the option of doing an actual alignment on the machine.
So, going forward when i save the program back to the network and then do a save as and load a new model and transform it to match the XY&Z of the template program i can reuse all my datum features, and when we move the new programs onto the online CMM itll run to the same location, no manual alignment needed.
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For me it's just a normal empty program, but i have prepared settings for saving points, pdf save names, PiWeb or basic protocol user fields ( order id, machine, ... ). Just things that you have to do almost always.

Just create new program, change necessary things ( like enabling PiWeb and choosing correct protocol template ) and save it with name like TEMPLATE_PIWEB or your name.
Then you can just open this template program -> immediately save it with correct name - then work as usual
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you don’t have to make the same twice when you have a template (normal inspection plan)..
one of the included functions in our template is reduce the size of the ZMP file and then upload it to the SLQ Server;
then the measuring points limit in the template is only 1.


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Thank you for the help, but as stated before, I understand how to setup a program to save measured points, but sometimes I forget. I want to change the default setting. This is somewhere in the background files like everything else. I haven't been able to locate that file yet. Everything in Calypso pulls from files that are in multiple different locations. Some files are hidden deep for a good reason. If you make a mistake modifying some of these files, you can really mess things up. The same goes for other software too. I used to have a boss that would screw up files all the time , using a DMIS based software, and I would have to fix it.
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I misunderstood your original question, my apologies.
It sounds like creating a template program with your own default settings and selecting "save as" when you create your "new" program is the way to go. Myself, and many others here are using this method.
Just be sure to save another copy of your template program somewhere just in case you forget to hit "save as". I've never done this before obviously 🫣
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