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How to add option to enter run information?


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Hi everyone, I know there is a lot of run information that gets exported from the zeiss and I know there is an option to prompt the user to input information at run start as well. I've never needed it because our operators have been entering that into a differnt software for the measurements not on the Zeiss. The data gets combined with the zeiss data on the reports but I'd like to start inputing the work order number on the Zeiss now instead.
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in my header i added an input for 'Lot ID' and 'Part Number' into my header, VPHEAD.GRA.

Under Resource > Printout header parameters click the box for 'Force input at start'

When we start a program a box pops up, we put the work order and individual part sequential number in the Lot ID box, and since sometimes we have 1 program for multiple part numbers there is a box to enter the part number being scanned.
So those end up being reported on the header and show up on he printed (and PDF) report, additionally i send a text report to WinSPC using PCM that uses the part number and work order as a part of the naming scheme for each file.


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I am 99% sure that I already know the answer to this question.

But is it possible somehow to make it in 2 stages instead of one.
So the first pop-up window is production lot and the second would be the operator?
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I think that any of the items under the "Start" section in the VPHEAD editor will be a separate line item when the program starts. So you can add Name or Signature.
We just combine the work order and individual sequential part number together because when i hired in 8 years ago that's the system they already had in place with PCDmis CMM's.
A large bulk of my workload is making Calypso output EXACTLY the same as PCD. which means i cant use any of calypso's canned output systems, everything is done thru PCM.
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