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Qualifying a Star probe with XT


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I was wondering what tilt and rotation I need the reference sphere when using a dyn tensor qualification for a Y+ and Y- star probe. Can I do both using the same orientation of the reference sphere? A picture would help.

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No, you can't do both with one reference sphere.

Basically, when you do a dynamic tensor qualification, you need to set up the reference sphere in a way that allows full 360° access to the equator. So, if you want to the reference sphere with the standard 135 tilt with one of the 4 default angle choices, a rotation angle of 225 or 315 would work.for a probe in the +Y direction. You would then need to rotate the reference sphere to 45 or 135 to qualify the -Y direction.

I've never done it, but I believe you can set up two reference spheres to allow dynamic tensor qualifications to take place without having to stop, rotate reference sphere, executing reference sphere position.

If you want to forego the dynamic tensor and just do a standard tensor, then you will likely not need to move the reference sphere. It really depends on the probe set-up, i.e. short probe distance from adapter plate center-line axis to probe center. This can be remedied with an extension to make that distance greater.
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  • 2 months later...
There is a way how to qualify a star probe also with dynamic tensor:

1. you qualify all probes with the mode dynamic tensor , even if some probes are not possible to qualify as dynamic tensor due to the fact that the probe can't scan around the ref. sphere ( you will get a message that this is only possible for normal tensor qualification but not for dynamic tensor).
2. in the settings for the reference sphere there is a possibility to define a virtual qualification sphere ( it's just a copy of your reference sphere--> if you named this ref. sphere as No.1, define for the virtual sphere No. 11 as a hint for the relationship if you have more than one ref. spheres).
3.Define for the virtual ref. sphere the correct angle for perfect reachability of the rest of the probes ( maybe you have to do this several times)--> for the dynamic tensor behavior there is no qualified position or diameter needed...here the system only defines the centrifugal force behavior.
4. Mechanically change the orientation of your ref. sphere to perfect reachability for the rest of the probes.
5. select in the ref. sphere pull down menue No.11 and then the qualification mode: "dynamic tensor re-qualification"
CALYPSO will only do the dynamic part...the tensor part will be added by the dynamic part (scanning paths around the sphere).
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