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Non-sequential numbering


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Thanks for the responses, everyone. To further clarify my question... under normal run conditions, I would run sequential numbering. 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32

But if I am measuring reworked product, a full run of parts might be 28, 32, 47, 54, 57, 58, 73, and 82. Is there a way to enter the numbers to match my reworked product?
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If you have your report header parameters set to Force Input at Start, when you execute the Pallet it will prompt you to input all of the header information. You can set the incremental for each one to whatever you need it to be.
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When you are in the Pi Web monitor, there is a line of Icons to the right of the measurement tab. Click the first one and it will show a drop down box. Go to edit measurement

In the new box, you can change the part seq # to anything you like. It will be the columns on the right side if the new "box"
I use this screen when I have to pin a holes that the CMM shows out. U can go in and edit the results etc...

Very useful for me

If you cant find it I can screen shot my PiWeb in the morn and add to this thread
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We generally use C=0 sampling plan, but some parts need 100% scans so we never use incremental for our part identifiers.
I put "Lot ID" into my header, then go into resource > input header parameters and click the force input at start button.
Then when we start a program a box pops up and we put the work order and individual piece number (it remembers your last input, so we don't have to re type work orders all day long).
If we run in autorun pallet, at start it will ask you for the input data for all the parts at the beginning, so each time a part finished the report will have the individual data on it.


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Thanks everyone for your input. With your advice, I have been able to number the parts properly, both in the normal production mode (with sequential numbering), and in rework mode in which the numbering will be random.
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