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Offset plane


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I am working on a housing with three target legs and trying to use offset plane. I have a lower rev housing that I was able to copy stuff from, but cant get this to run. Creating the offset plane gives angle but I set it back to zero like the earlier program. I do a manual alignment and it acts like it's still at an angle. The points are in the offset plane, I didn't create points then select them back to the offset plane(recall/recall feature points) This was how the earlier version was done so I followed suit. Why when using offset plane it doesn't seem to recognize that A1 and A2 are zero and zero? It gives and angle when first creating the offset plane but I get rid of any angle.

I pulled in the alignment from the earlier version and it will run that alignment, but as soon as it goes on to other features it starts moving as though it thinks the part is at an angle.

Any thoughts. I have a call into Zeiss for some support, but thought I'd reach out here too.
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Sorry but i really don't get your question. What is your problem? Setting right offset to get right angles?
It's a while when i did offset plane, but i did it with recalling 3 points.
I had some initial problems with order of setting offset to each point, but i did it.
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When you create the offset plane,it is important to follow a precise order.

Create an offset plane from Features > Special Geometries. Create 3 points on the model. Click Evaluations. Click Edit Points. Enter the offset value of each point. In the example below (Ignore original Base Alignment trihedron) I took a point on top of each post and one on the top plane of part. When I edited the point values, points 1 and 2 were zero and point 3 was -22. As you can see in the picture below, the offset plane trihedron is normal.

Screenshot 2020-09-15 153636.jpg

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Thanks! I did everything except got to evaluation, Point modification, edit. I didn't know that I needed to do that. Once I put in my distances from centerline I got the part to run. Got help from Zeiss support.
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Really this is a serious help I also wet behind ears in offset plane.
For offset plane cad model is must?
Recall feature points does not work for off set plane?.
Offset plane will square to alignment it belongs to?
Sorry for more questions...
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Just know that if you place it in the BA, then if you need to change the offset later you have to re-measure the part as subsequent evaluation will not work in this case.

I know because I've learned the hard way. 🙁 🙁
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