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Calypso: cmatherr #gauss_filter -21 >


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What type of feature or characteristic is it measuring prior to this error?
Do you see the pink "light" that suggested a feature or characteristic can not be evaluated?
What are your evaluation settings on the feature or characteristic that was ran immediately before before this error?
What are your filter and outlier settings on the feature or characteristic that was ran immediately before before this error?
Does it stop your CNC run?
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What type of feature or characteristic is it measuring prior to this error? 2D Curve.
Do you see the pink "light" that suggested a feature or characteristic can not be evaluated? Yes.
What are your evaluation settings on the feature or characteristic that was ran immediately before this error? Outlier Elimination and Filter are turned on. Take segment gaps into consideration is turned on, and stylus radius correction is set to nom. Spline.
What are your filter and outlier settings on the feature or characteristic that was ran immediately before this error? Filter: Wavelength Lc 0.0457, Gauss. Outlier: Inside Workpiece 3, Outside Part 3, Include Adjacent Points (Number 5).
Does it stop your CNC run? No.
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Sorry, Curve and FF are not really my specialty. If you look at the Cookbook for Surface (Metal) , on page 110 of my version of the book, the recommended outlier, filter and evaluation method seem different than what you've entered in.

I would try un-checking them to see where the problem lies .. sorry, thought I could be of more help, but I'm far from being a Curve/FF expert.
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Since Curve is just a spline, you cannot apply a filter cutoff that doesn't meet the length requirement, so you will need to adjust your cutoff to match the length of your curve. Also, I believe that the gauss filter should only be applied to closed curves, so if it is an open curve, I would switch to the spline filter.

Having said all of that, I'm part of the camp that believes that curves should not be filtered. They are measured/evaluated completely different than typical geometries (circles, planes, etc.), and majority of the time they do not require them.
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I appreciate the feedback so far, but back to the original question: "Can anyone tell me what this error code in the Status Window actually means? Calypso: cmatherr #gauss_filter -21 >"
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It literaly means that your cut off for the Gauss filter is more then 1/2 of the curve lenght.
Just as Richard said.

"cmatherr #gauss_filter" is just a message to pinpoint cause/origin of error.

"-21" the error code for Wavelenght Lc > Curve Lenght / 2

">" is like an arrow, pointing at the name of the feature causing the issue.
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