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Calibration - ellipse parameters


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Hi all. What is the meaning of the ellipse parameters:

  • Minimum ellipse radius
  • Maximum ellipse residual
  • Minimum ellipse contrast

I'd like to relax the parameters for ellipse detection and am curious as to what each parameter does and how it will ultimately affect the measurement. I'm calibrating the sensor (MV 3.45in, working distance 15.91in, and slider distance 5.51in) through glass and it fails at step 4, MSensorCal-0203. I was able to successfully calibrate without the glass but once I try again with the glass, it fails . I'm following the recommendation as below, with the glass as close to the sensor as possible. Any help provided is much appreciated!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Christina,

Those parameters doesn't effect your calibration. You can't change any of the acquisition parameters during the calibration process.

You can try to calibrate without the glass and check how good you find your components with the glass, afterwards. Test this with a static measurement to measure the noise. You can also compare this measurement with and without the glass to check the impact of the glass. Please read the FAQ article for more info regarding the static test (https://connect.gom.com/x/pa3VAg). 

You can also try to rotate your glass around 90°. Maybe this can improve the view through the glass. 

An other point is to improve your MV and the Calibration Object. ( I don't know your exactly setup)

Nevertheless, if you have further question and more detailed questions please contact your local GOM Partner. 

Greetings, Ivan


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